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Gartner Peer Insights Market Consolidation FAQ
Gartner Peer Insights Market Consolidation FAQ

Learn more about market consolidations on Gartner Peer Insights.

Updated over a year ago

Gartner Peer Insights now denotes markets that may be evolving within Gartner research with the “transitioning to” verbiage. Please see answers to frequently asked questions about market consolidations below:

When I see a Gartner Peer Insights market name that includes (transitioning to “market name”), what does that mean?

Gartner Magic Quadrant markets may consolidate where two Magic Quadrant markets become one. It is a clearly defined process. Analysts who want to consolidate two or more Magic Quadrants are asked to retire the existing research documents and create a proposal for a new one. The new market definition explains why the markets will be consolidated. The Magic Quadrants to be replaced are retired (archived) 12 months from the publish date. The Publication Calendar on will show “retired” for the previously published documents. The consolidated Magic Quadrant is considered new research and listed as “new” research in the Publication Calendar on

The Gartner Peer Insights team receives notification of the market consolidation. They will add the additional detail to the two markets by including (transitioning to “market name”). The Gartner Peer Insights team will open a third market with the newly consolidated market name in order to collect reviews in advance of the consolidated market publishing on in order for analysts to capture Peer Insights data as one of many sources of input for their fact based to inform their opinion.

When the two Magic Quadrant markets consolidate, what happens to products and associated reviews for the two Gartner Peer Insights markets?

Once the new Magic Quadrant document is published and all Gartner Peer Insights data-based reports for the old markets are archived, the Gartner Peer Insights team will move the reviews from the two Gartner Peer Insights markets into the new consolidated market, based on the vendors’ products meeting 50% of the product/service Gartner Peer Insights features rule from the market definition. The consolidated Magic Quadrant is considered new research and listed as “new” research in the Publication Calendar on

How will analysts consume Gartner Peer Insights reviews from the Gartner Peer Insights markets that are across multiple markets during the transition phase?

Analysts have access to all Gartner Peer Insights review data across all markets. It is at the analyst’s discretion to leverage Gartner Peer Insights data as part of their fact base in order to inform the Magic Quadrant or Critical Capabilities research.

We just saw the new Magic Quadrant market is listed on Gartner Peer Insights, but our product isn’t listed yet. Can we request to be added?

Yes, you can request for your solution to be listed in the desired market via the Markets and Products tab of your GPI Vendor Portal. Please refer to Section 1.1 Request Listing of the Product Listing Guidelines.

Will there be a Voice of the Customer scheduled for the new, consolidated market based on the typical MQ + 5 months calendar?

Gartner reserves the right to selectively publish a Voice of the Customer document based on our determination of the value of that document to our end users. We will only consider a Voice of the Customer document in a consolidated market where there is a certain level of market maturity (representing vendors and number of reviews) on the Gartner Peer Insights platform. For more information, see the Voice of the Customer Methodology and Voice of the Customer Roadmap.

How soon after the new Magic Quadrant publishes can we expect for the migration of reviews to happen on Gartner Peer Insights?

Migration of reviews to the new consolidated market will happen after the new Magic Quadrant document is published, at the discretion of the Gartner Peer Insights team. Timelines may vary. The Gartner Peer Insights team will migrate the reviews from the two Gartner Peer Insights markets into the new consolidated market, based on the vendors’ products meeting 50% of the product/service Gartner Peer Insights features rule from the market definition. Please refer to Section 1.1 Request Listing of the Product Listing Guidelines.

How are we notified that this new market is opened on Gartner Peer Insights and our products are included?

The Gartner Peer Insights team shares markets that are recently live on the site with all vendors via the Monthly Newsletter.

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