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Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotion FAQs
Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotion FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotions.

Updated over 4 months ago

Is it 50 gift cards per market per vendor or 50 gift cards split amongst all vendors in a market?

  • The Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotion provides 50 gift cards per market, per vendor. For example, if you are listed in three markets and request a review sourcing link for all three markets, you would get 50 gift cards for Market 1, 50 for Market 2, and 50 for Market 3.

What if I have multiple products in one market? Will I get 50 gift cards per product in the same market?

  • You will get 50 gift cards per market regardless of the number of products you have listed in that market. So, if you have 5 products listed in Market 1, you would be eligible for up to 50 reviews for the products in Market 1.

Is this the same as the Review Collection by Gartner Peer Insights?

  • No, the Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotion and Review Collection by GPI are separate offerings. The Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotion is a limited time offering. You can review our Review Collection by Gartner Peer Insights page for more information about Review Collection by GPI.

Will Gartner source the reviews for us as well?

  • Gartner will not source reviews on a vendor’s behalf for a Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotion. To learn more about a Gartner-sourced review collection service, please see Review Collection by Gartner Peer Insights.

What happens once all 50 gift cards have been used? Will the sourcing link stop working?

  • Once all 50 gift cards have been distributed, the Gartner Peer Insights team will reach out to the contact who requested the review sourcing link to let them know that they have reached the limit and the incentive distribution will get turned off. However, the link will remain active so reviewers who have the link can still submit reviews, they just won’t be eligible for an incentive.

Will I be notified once I hit the 50 gift card limitation?

  • Yes, once all 50 gift cards have been distributed, the Gartner Peer Insights team will reach out to the contact who requested the review sourcing link to let them know that they have reached the 50 gift card limit and that no additional incentives will be distributed from that link.

Can I continue to use this sourcing link after the promotion has ended? If so, how can I incentivize the link?

  • Yes, you can continue to use the provided review sourcing link after the promotion has ended, however no incentives will be aligned.

How long will this promotion last?

  • Each promotion has a strict time frame that is specified before the promotion begins. While the gift card promotions have typically lasted for one month in the past, this is subject to change. Please reach out to your Program Manager or for details about any upcoming Promotions.

Can we have an extension if we joined late?

  • No, extensions for the Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotions are not granted under any circumstances.

What type of incentive is offered?

  • At this time, all Gartner-funded Gift Card Promotion incentives are a $25 USD Rewards Link incentive. The Rewards Link incentive options are based on the reviewer's selected country and currency. Please note that reviewers do not receive new incentives for updated reviews. You can see the Incentives Policies for Vendors for more information.

Can we change the gift card amount?

  • No, all gift cards are distributed as $25 USD or equivalent. Per the FTC Guidelines on Endorsements, incentives must be of nominal value. Gartner has determined that nominal value for an individual Gartner Peer Insights review must not exceed $25 USD. Please see the Incentives Policies for Vendors for more information.

Why does the incentive type for this link show as “None” in my Review Sourcing Links page?

  • The Gartner Peer Insights team creates the review sourcing links and codes them differently so that we can disperse Gartner-funded gift cards, and not your own vendor funds, or other incentives available. While it may show as ‘No incentive,’ there is an incentive aligned and we continuously manage the review sourcing links used in the promotion and distribute incentives on the backend.

Why is my market not eligible?

  • The eligible markets for the Promotions are at the discretion of the Gartner Peer Insights Team. Careful consideration goes into deciding which markets are eligible for each Promotion. Please note that the eligible markets are subject to change. Please note that vendors are not eligible to receive gift cards for markets they are not currently listed in on Gartner Peer Insights.

Since we are listed in multiple markets, can the same customer leave us a review in multiple markets for a gift card each time, or does that count as a duplicate review?

  • A customer could leave more than one review for you as long as they are using the solution, and are submitting unique content for each review. We won’t accept reviews if they are a copy + paste, or the same content. If they want to do this and they want to be eligible for more than one incentive, they would need to click each link individually and write a review. So, they’d click Link #1, write and submit the review, then exit out of the screen, go to your email, click Link #2, and submit the second review.

We are trying to set up a SPIF internally where our sellers will work to get as many of their customers to leave quality reviews on Gartner Peer Insights as possible during the month to take advantage of this promotion. I am trying to understand how we will be able to track who is using the review link if there is only one link and also if the customer decides to be anonymous. Is there a way we can create multiple review links so I can track our sellers' work and incentivize them accordingly? How do you typically handle these situations?

  • For the Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotions specifically, all tech providers who opt-in are provided with a single review sourcing link for each market. For sales competitions, you could create your own review sourcing links for each sales rep so that you’d be able to see how many reviews were submitted and published for each rep, while still protecting the anonymity of the reviewer. This would be outside of the Gift Card Promotion link, and you would have the option to add in your own gift card funds to offer.

Is the charity incentive type available for the Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotions?

  • At this time, all Gartner-funded Gift Card Promotion incentives are a $25 USD Rewards Link incentive. For the Gartner-Funded Gift Card Promotions specifically, all tech providers who opt-in are provided with a single review sourcing link for each market. If you would like to offer the charity option to your reviewers, we encourage you to create a review sourcing link in your GPI Vendor Portal with the charity incentive type selected. Please note that this would be outside of the Gift Card Promotion link, and you would have the option to add in your own funds to offer.

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