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Review FAQs

Questions regarding reviews on Peer Insights

Updated over 6 months ago

I would like to submit a Peer Insights review. How can I do that?

Go to If you experience any issues submitting a review, please contact us. You will receive a response back within 3 business days.

Who can access reviews? How do I access the Peer Insights reviews for my business?

Summary-level access to Gartner Peer Insights is free and available to the public. Reading the full detail of reviews is also free but requires a simple login. Gartner clients may use their existing credentials to gain access, and Non-Gartner clients must complete a simple registration form for access. Once logged in, users have full access to all Review Details across all Markets/Categories.

To access all reviews for your business, simply search on your company/product name or navigate through the markets/categories in which your business has products and services. If you do not find reviews on your company’s products and services in a market/category in which you compete, it is because no reviews for your business have been submitted and approved in that market/category.

I can't find the market/category and vendor I'd like to explore or review - will Peer Insights be expanded to cover more markets/categories?

Absolutely - please check back later. Our goal is to expand Gartner Peer Insights to cover many more markets/categories. We will continue to roll out new markets/categories in a controlled fashion, prioritizing those markets/categories with high readership in our expert research. Though, you can suggest a new category to be opened on Peer Insights by submitting this suggestion form. Your suggestion will then be evaluated by the Peer Insights team.

Are these reviews representative of global tech users? What is the breakdown by region and industry?

In these early stages of building the Peer Insights library, most reviews are coming from North America. As a global company, we are working hard to collect additional surveys and encourage broader participation across industries and geographies.

Do reviews ever expire?

Reviews do not expire, however,

  • To use reviews in external marketing collateral, you must use a review that was published within the last 12 months from the date of your promotional content. Please see the Gartner Peer Insights™ Content Compliance Policy for more information.

  • For more information about report inclusion, please reference the most up to date Methodology for that report. For example, for Voice of the Customer document inclusion, reviews from the first 6 months of the 18-month period will be given 50% weight in all calculations for both axes.

Which reviews are approved and what is the moderation process?

Reviews are assessed to determine whether or not a review meets Gartner Peer Insights' standards for context, quality, and relevance. If a review fails to meet these guidelines, an email is sent to the reviewer asking for additional information, post which it is re-assessed for publication.

A great submission typically has the following characteristics:

  • Comments to explain the corresponding ratings

  • Variance in ratings throughout (it is unlikely that the reviewer would feel the same about every aspect of a product or service)

  • Ratings are logically consistent (the overall ratings are in line with the averages of the sub-ratings)

  • Demonstration of experience and expertise with regard to the respective product

Please note, it is the discretion of the Peer Insights group to determine how content is approved and published on the site. Content may be approved as full reviews or aggregated ratings only.

Can I change my Peer Insights review after I've posted it?

Yes! Individuals can find their previously written reviews via the My Reviews section.

Is Peer Insights free? Where is the paywall?

Anyone who is registered – clients and non-clients alike- are and will always be able to read reviews and ratings on Gartner Peer Insights for free. Technology providers are able to access a GPI Vendor Portal that help them source and generate reviews. Access to the GPI Vendor Portal is free. The services provided by Gartner Peer Insights Vendor Success team to strategically partner with vendors to drive reviews are free as well.

If I submit a Peer Insights review, how long will it be before the review appears online?

There is a moderation process to ensure that all reviews are authentic and readable. During the review moderation process, you may receive an email asking for additional information to process your review. If you do not see your review in 10 business days after you submitted it, please contact us.

How does Peer Insights fit in w/ other crowdsourcing sites owned by Gartner? Will you be bringing these together, and in the meantime sharing content between them? How should my company decide where to send potential reviewers of our product?

Over the last several years, Gartner has acquired a number of properties focused on helping small and medium-sized business users with their software purchases. These properties are in our Digital Markets business unit and include Capterra, Software Advice, and GetApp. Reviews generated on one of these properties are shared across all properties as appropriate. Gartner Peer Insights was developed to focus on helping enterprise end-users make better software decisions and is entirely focused on the enterprise.

These properties will remain independent as they are targeting different end-user segments, and the user experience is tailored for each. We are actively exploring sharing relevant content between Gartner Peer Insights and Digital Markets and expect to do so in the future.

Once review sharing is implemented, it won’t matter which property you source reviews on, they will all be directed appropriately to the most relevant end-user. Until this feature comes online, it’s best to direct enterprise-focused products to Gartner Peer Insights, and small and medium-size business products to the Digital Market properties. In addition, the Digital Market properties provide all brands with leading digital awareness through their prominent search placements, while Gartner Peer Insights is a data source for our Research analysts.

How does Peer Insights fit w/ Gartner’s independence and objectivity, and doesn’t this path damage the Gartner brand?

Gartner Peer Insights extends Gartner’s legacy of independence and objectivity into a new platform – user-generated reviews and ratings. In this space, while each individual review is subjective and reflects the experience and opinion of the author, Gartner ensures the platform is independent and objective by ensuring rigor in the methodology used for sourcing, validating, moderating, and presenting these individual views. By doing this, we are creating the enterprise standard for reviews and ratings that buyers can trust, and opening Gartner’s brand to a new generation of business leaders.

What information about a reviewer is visible on Gartner Peer Insights?

The Reviewer Profile in a Gartner Peer Insights review contains demographic data about the reviewer and their company, such as job title, role, industry, and company size, but does not include the reviewer's actual name or company name in order to prevent personal identification.

How many times may an individual submit a Peer Insights review?

There is no limit on the number of Peer Insights reviews that an individual can submit - though only one review can be submitted on a given vendor's products in any given market/category, and you must be qualified to write each review. In the future, the author will be able to update their review to add new information over time.

How do you verify that reviews are legitimate IT or end-user professionals?

Reviewers are verified through a multi-step process including completion of a profile with their e-mail, job role, title and details about their organization. For a review to be posted on Peer Insights, the writer must:

  • Attest to the authenticity of their review by certifying that are (i) not an employed by the vendor or employed by a competitor of the vendor, (ii) employed by an organization with an exclusive relationship (this includes exclusive partners, value-added resellers, system integrators and consultants); and (iii) their feedback is based entirely on their own personal experience with this vendor's product/service.

  • Have an identifiable corporate e-mail address that matches their stated company;

  • Be an IT professional or otherwise involved in technology purchasing;

  • Have a confirmed profile on or a credible external site (e.g., LinkedIn) that verifies their identity, employer, and role;

  • Not be employed by a company that has a direct stake in the market/category or product being reviewed (this includes system integrators and consultants, as well as the company whose product is being reviewed or competitors in that market/category).

    If you come across a review that looks illegitimate, please contact us.

Can I find Peer Insights reviews from actual end-users of the product and services? or just from IT professionals? Can end-users submit Peer Insights reviews?

You will find Peer Insights reviews from a variety of individuals involved in all aspects of selecting, deploying, servicing, and using the products and services covered. To determine what experience an author has with the product or service being reviewed, look in the "Additional Context" section of the review for the reviewer's involvement.

We welcome the insights from end-users of products and services, and those individuals may submit a Peer Insights review. They should clearly indicate they are an end-user in the question about their involvement with the product or services.

Does Gartner limit the vendors covered in a market/category?

No. Reviewers may select from a drop-down list of vendors in a market/category or they may select "Other" and write-in a vendor not included in the drop-down list. Reviews with write-in vendors will only be approved after confirming the vendor belongs in the market/category.

What If I see inaccuracies or something else of concern in someone else's review?

If you have concerns about the accuracy or validity of a review, please contact us. Be sure to include the specific review in question and the reason you consider it to be invalid.

Do Gartner Research Analysts provide any input into the review questions?

Gartner Research Analysts helped to develop the baseline survey to ensure a structured, objective and consistent approach to the reviews across markets. Additionally, Analysts provided guidance on questions specific to a market.

Will Gartner Research Analysts use Peer Insights in their research?

At this time, individual quotes from Gartner Peer Insights will not be used in published research, presentations or other client interactions. However, Gartner Peer Insights reviews will become a new source of information, to be considered along with a variety of other factors, by Gartner Analysts. Analysts conduct in-depth primary and secondary research as the underpinning of the research process. They also draw from a vast network of sources, including interactions with end-user clients, technology providers, and industry leaders, in formats ranging from client inquiries, 1:1 meetings at events and a variety of other client interactions. Analysts may also incorporate content from academic, journalistic and scientific sources. While end-user feedback is important, it is one of many criteria that are considered.

May I send a private message to the author of a Peer Insights review?

No. We are very careful to protect the identity of our reviewers to encourage them to provide all relevant detail about the products and services they review.

How does Gartner collect and display information about a review's source?

Gartner collects Peer Insights reviews from individuals through direct outreach. Many technology vendors also encourage their customers to review their solutions on Peer Insights. Peer Insights reviewers are asked whether Gartner or a vendor asked them to submit their review on Peer Insights. When a review's source information is available, Gartner displays that information in the review.

Do Peer Insights Reviewers receive anything in exchange for submitting their reviews?

Gartner sometimes offers gifts of nominal value to individuals for submitting reviews on Peer Insights, and does not prohibit vendors from doing the same. Nominal gifts are defined as valued at $25 USD or less. Starting on December 2016, all Peer Insights reviewers are asked whether they were offered an incentive for submitting their review. When incentive information is available about a review, Gartner displays that information in the review.

Laws and regulations in many countries prohibit government employees from accepting gifts of any value in exchange for reviewing technology solutions. Gartner makes every reasonable effort to avoid offering gifts to public employees, but takes no responsibility for the decisions of public employees to accept gifts from Gartner or a vendor in exchange for submitting a Peer Insights review.

Why is the number of reviews different from the number or ratings?

In certain cases we allow reviewers to withhold their qualitative review feedback from public view, in order to protect their confidentiality. When a user opts to withhold their qualitative review feedback, we include their quantitative feedback in the averaged star rating and other aggregated fields under the "Ratings" tab, but we exclude their qualitative review feedback from the "Reviews" section. The Total Reviews also reflects the number available under all active filters, whereas the average rating and number of ratings remains constant when filters are applied.

How can I ensure that my reviews are published and not rejected on the basis of content quality?

Reviews must meet the following guidelines to get published. If not they can be removed, at our discretion. Reviewers that violate our guidelines repeatedly, attempt to abuse our program, or are found to be spammers may have their reviews scrutinized & disabled, and may be subject to penalties, up to and including legal penalties.

  • Reviews must not contain plagiarized content. We do not allow reviews to be copied from another source, including our own website.

  • Reviews must not contain generic content and should highlight experiences related to vendor/product. We do not approve reviews which have generic comments or only talk about the vendor. The review should provide reviewer’s experiences on overall product or its specific features.

  • Reviews must not contain Foreign Language. We do not allow reviews which are submitted in any language other than English.

  • Reviews with Low/No Content. We do not allow reviews which have no/low/gibberish content.

  • Reviews must be posted by the actual reviewer. In keeping with our verification process, we do not allow reviews to be posted on another’s behalf or under an assumed identity.

  • Reviews must not contain abusive, hateful, threatening, or harassing content. We do not allow reviews to contain personal threats, obscenities, or hate speech.

  • Reviews must not include others’ personal information. We do not allow reviews to contain information that can be used to identify an individual or otherwise compromise their privacy. Personal information includes names, addresses, phone numbers, or any other type of personally identifying information.

  • Reviews must not promote or disparage a product other than the product being reviewed. We do not allow reference to any product(s) or vendor(s) other than the product being reviewed unless integration with another application is required to leave a helpful review.

  • Reviews must not violate any legal agreements. A review must not violate any third party confidentiality, non-disclosure, or contractual obligations.

  • Reviews must not contain financial information. A review must not contain any references to specific amounts of money spent while using the product.

  • Reviews must not accuse or make reports of fraud or any criminal activity. Unless the fraud or activity has been proven by a court of law, we do not allow references to legal matters in our reviews. Our team is not qualified to make a decision as to the truthfulness of a legal accusation.

How are Markets and Categories defined?

Markets and Categories are both collections of software or services of comparable products or service offerings. The difference between Markets and Categories is in how they are defined. Markets are defined by experts within Gartner Research. The market definitions are published in Magic Quadrant and Market Guide documents. Through end-user feedback, we know that there is a desire to learn about peer experiences with other products and vendors beyond these formally defined markets. To that end, Gartner Peer Insights creates and defines Categories in other technology and business areas.

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